Parma - Italy
Chiesi Group Headquarters
And online (live streaming)
November 22 - 23
The Chiesi Center for Open Innovation & Competence
The Chiesi Center for Open Innovation & Competence (COI&C) is an innovative business playground and an open place for the interaction between Chiesi People and the external stakeholders from the research and continuous innovation fields. It is conceived to implement new ways to identify and develop open innovation projects and educational healthcare-related journeys.
The COI&C is structured as an open collaborative platform, able to nurture and finalize initiatives that will involve external partners and actors, in order to exploit and complement internal expertise with an interdisciplinary approach, while also maximizing the impact of activities at local, national and global level. It contributes to Chiesi business strategy by acting as a supporting service also identifying and opening untapped opportunities with a global reach.

The development of validated and reliable models of the human respiratory system could be of great impact in many sectors:
safety & environment applications related to the inhalation of toxic or carcinogenic aerosols;
healthcare applications e.g. transmission of pathogen agents such as bacteria or viruses;
pharmaceutical product development for prediction and optimization of therapeutic aerosols deposition administered though nose and lungs.
Simulation and experimental characterization of air dynamics in the lungs;
Modelling therapeutic aerosol generation with DPIs, pMDIs and nebulizers;
Simulation and experimental characterization of aerosol deposition in the lungs;
Lung imaging and its processing; Digital lung models, lung digital twins and their applications in healthcare.
Other industrial applications of lung modelling and simulation include the design of inhalers, nebulizers and vapes. Finally, on a long-term perspective, a digital twin of the human respiratory system could enable the study of lung physiology in extreme conditions or under strong solicitations. The aim of the congress is to gather international experts in these research fields to discuss and challenge the current state of the art and chart a roadmap for future development.
Day 1 | 22-11-2023
Registration and refreshments
10:15 - 10:20
WelcomeAndrea Chiesi
COI&C/R&D introductionDr. F. ConicellaHead of COI&CT. EichholtzHead of R&D
Developing a multi-scale computational tool for orally inhaled drug product designDr. Ciro CottiniChiesi Farmaceutici (Parma, Italy)
The OpenNOSE project: reasons of interest for the lung modelling communityProf. Maurizio QuadrioPolitecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy)
Moving towards personalised medicine: A Digital Twin of the LungsProf. Kelly BurrowesUniversity of Aukland, (Auckland, New Zealand)
Engineering Lung In-vitro ModelsDr. Ludovica CacopardoUniversità di Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
Leveling the Playing Field: How Imaging, AI and An Infinite Mindset Can Transform the Care of Patients with Rare DiseaseElizabeth EstesOpen Source Imaging Consortium (Saugatuck MI, USA)
A critical analysis of CFD-DEM simulation of human airwaysDr. Andrea BenassiChiesi Farmaceutici (Parma, Italy)
Three-dimensional measurements of flow within a patient-specific model of the upper airways using magnetic resonance imagingDr. Andrew J. BankoWest Point Military Academy (West Point NY, USA)
Poster session & Networking with refreshments
19:30 - 22:00
Social dinner (Chiesi Headquarter)
Day 2 | 23-11-2023
Understanding Human Lung Ventilation through Modeling, Respiratory Mechanics and ImagingProf. Andrea AlivertiPolitecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy)
The role of quantitative imaging in pulmonary drug discoveryDr. Fabio F. StellariChiesi Farmaceutici (Parma, Italy)
Coffee Break
Using lung imaging to inform computations in the context of in-silico population studiesProf. Stavros KassinosUniversity of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus)
A patient-specific computational model of the entire lung for in silico trials in pulmonary drug deliveryMaximilian GrillKei W. MüllerEbenbuild GmbH (Munich, Germany)
Laser-optical investigation of aerosol generation and deposition in a 23-generation transparent airway modelDr. Ing. Manuel ReddemannAachen University (Aachen, Germany)
Enabling the Medical Digital Twin of Human Airways by advanced mesh morphing and high-fidelity patient-specific simulationsProf. Marco Evangelos BiancoliniUniversità Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy)
Closing remarks
17:30 - 19:00
Poster session & Networking with refreshments

Elizabeth Estes
Executive Director at Open Source Imaging Consortium (Saugatuck MI, USA)

Maximilian Grill
Ebenbuild GmbH (Munich, Germany)

Kei W. Müller
Ebenbuild GmbH (Munich, Germany)

Prof. Maurizio Quadrio
Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy)

Prof. Andrea Aliverti
Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy)

Prof. Kelly Burrowes
University of Auckland, (Auckland, New Zealand)

Prof. Marco Evangelos Biancolini
University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Rome, Italy)

Andrea Benassi
Chiesi Farmaceutici, (Parma, Italy)

Fabio Franco Stellari
Chiesi Farmaceutici, (Parma, Italy)

Dr. Ing. Manuel Reddemann
Aachen University (Aachen, Germany)

Prof. Stavros Kassinos
University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus)

Dr. Andrew J. Banko
West Point Military Academy (West Point NY, USA)

Dr. Ludovica Cacopardo
Università di Pisa (IT)
Join the Event!
Registration Closed